Press Releases

Menteri Besar of Johor Officiates Launch of Phase 3A of Pengerang Deepwater Terminals



Pengerang, 26 September 2019  ‐ DIALOG Group Berhad (“DIALOG”) today officially launched Phase 3A ofits 1,200 acre Pengerang Deepwater Terminals ("PDT”) development, following its entry into a Long TermStorage Agreement (“LTSA”) with BP Singapore Pte Limited (“BP Singapore”).

The LTSA will see the construction of storage tanks and the provision of storage and handling services to BPby DIALOG in Phase 3A. This will consist of storage tanks with a capacity of 430,000 cubic metres for cleanpetroleum products, and is set to complete in mid‐2021.

Phase 3A is the first parcel of PDT’s Phase 3, where the construction of common tankage facilities(including shared infrastructure) and deepwater marine facilities (Jetty 3) are already underway. Thelaunch of Phase 3A was officiated by the Menteri Besar of Johor YAB Dato’ Dr. Sahruddin bin Haji Jamal,with Ms Sharon Weintraub, CEO Eastern Hemisphere, BP Supply & Trading, and Tan Sri Dr. Ngau Boon Keat,Executive Chairman of DIALOG, in attendance.

This marks the continued expansion of PDT in Pengerang, Johor, where Phase 3 is currently beingdeveloped on approximately 300 acres of land within PDT with an indicative initial investment cost ofRM2.5 billion. DIALOG is targeting medium to long term customers, potentially comprising oil traders,multinational oil companies, refineries and petrochemical plants, which will in turn, support variousdownstream operations including those of the refinery and petrochemical plants within the PengerangIntegrated Petroleum Complex.

Menteri Besar of Johor YAB Dato’ Dr. Sahruddin bin Haji Jamal said, “The petroleum and petrochemicalindustry has emerged as the top foreign investment draw in Johor. The sector recorded the highest amountof FDIs last year at RM11.83 billion, with RM8.46 billion concentrated in the oil and gas industry inPengerang. Investments in the Pengerang hub has resulted in the creation of thousands of high value jobsand will continue to do so with the ongoing long term development of Pengerang Deepwater Terminals.This hub could well position Malaysia as the new economic powerhouse in the region.”

DIALOG Executive Chairman Tan Sri Dr. Ngau Boon Keat said, “PDT offers a compelling value proposition forthe establishment of strategic hub operations to capture the growth in the Asia Pacific region, given itsideal location and one‐stop integrated hub offering. With Phase 1 and Phase 2 of PDT already inoperations, the entry into the Long Term Storage Agreement with BP Singapore for Phase 3A of PDT isanother significant milestone in this direction and is expected to catalyse the further development of PDTin the coming years.”

“With approximately 500 acres reserved for future phases, the development of PDT into the largest oil, gasand petrochemical hub in the Asia Pacific region is well underway, and our vision for Pengerang to becomethe “Rotterdam of the East” is today becoming a reality,” added Tan Sri Dr. Ngau Boon Keat.

At the same event, DIALOG also celebrated the achievement of two new Malaysia Book of Recordsaccreditations. PDT was recognised as the Largest Oil and Gas Storage Terminal in Malaysia with a currentstorage capacity of 3 million cubic metres from its Phase 1 and Phase 2 terminals. In addition, PDT was alsorecognised as the Deepest Jetty in the country, as it is the only terminal in Malaysia that offers multipleberths with water depths of up to 24 metres, which enables it to handle Very Large Crude Carriers(“VLCCs”) that transport oil, gas and petrochemical products into the region from all over the world.

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